Navy Flier's Creed
A Navy Flyer's Creed
I am a United States Navy flyer.

My countrymen built the best airplane in the world and entrusted it to me. They trained me to fly it. I will use it to the absolute limit of my power.

With my fellow pilots, air crews, and deck crews, my plane and I will do anything necessary to carry out our tremendous responsibilities. I will always remember we are part of an unbeatable combat team- the United States Navy.

When the going is fast and rough, I will not falter.

I will be uncompromising in every blow I strike.

I will be humble in victory.

I am a United States Navy flyer.

I have dedicated myself to my country, with its many millions of all races, colors, and creeds. They and their way of life are worthy of my greatest protective efforts.

I ask the help of God in making that effort great enough.

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